CBWIN Cambridge Without Incineration
the incinerator Norfolk didn't want and didn't approve!
Welcome to CBWIN - Cambridge Without Incineration. This is a new website created to bring people together who are concerned about the waste incinerator plan submitted by Amey Cespa for the Cambridge area.
Who are CBWIN?
We are a growing group of local residents who got together after becoming uncomfortable about the way this plan seems to have been put through by stealth and how there is no independent information being given to us or our elected representatives. We are not activists or politicians, just ordinary people trying to protect our health, environment and democracy. We are supported by many Cambridge residents including teachers, scientists, doctors, professionals and taxpayers. Scroll further down to see some of our details.
As residents, we intend to provide independent information that is not from waste industry sponsored reports.
We want all locals affected by this plan to be able to make an informed choice, and to ensure that decision makers act on what the public want.
Please keep visiting the site over coming days and weeks while we continue to add further facts and useful information.
Breaking News
Innovation NOT Incineration
NO Amey Cespa giant incinerator for Cambridge
Read our important inquiry update here
Many Many people attended the inquiry filling the whole 3hrs of the public evening session, people also attended daily to watch. Thousands have signed the petition and MANY wrote into the inquiry- to our knowledge not one statement in favour!
Amey reject Camb County Council
Sign our appeal petition now to STOP the incinerator!
Donate (as much as you can) to help us secure technical experts to represent the community at the Public Inquiry - we NEED these to make Amey Cespa's appeal unsuccessful
Help us in other small way here
CBWIN secure an Independent Landscape Review done by a nationally reknowned leading local expert to highlight the missing information from Amey: It concludes "overwhelming serious and significant harm to landscape, visual and heritage"
Audio Recording March public meeting - Environmental expert begins at 15minutes
Animated slides not shown at meeting due to time running out: incl info on £740M PFI contract
Recent proof that incinerators DO emit dangerous dioxins (even when 'well run')
Amey admit to changing terms and wanting to reduce ammount of waste they will burn from Cambs (93% to 70%), and increasing 'catchment area' from 4 counties to 11+, saving 30% quota for commercial imports with no geographical boundary
Watch the 2018 Cambs County Council decision video here (go to the end to see the vote). The case has now gone to appeal
For other things you can do, please go to the What You Can Do page for details.ronmental
Click Play to see the approximate projection of the chimney plume over our local area or click here to see on YouTube.
"CBWINNERS" examples of everyday constituents who are concerned about the incinerator
Jude, lives in Waterbeach, mother of 9 month old. Concerned because, the perception for a lot of us is that public awareness of these plans have been held from us. Up until September Amey were using the term 'state-of-the-art technology', there was never even a mention to the public that this included a waste incinerator until the application went in. I am concerned because there is no concrete evidence to show waste incineration is conclusively safe for human health or the environment.
Helen, lives in Waterbeach, is a chef and mother of 2. I have lived in Waterbeach for about 18 years and Cambridgeshire all my life. Concerned about the size of the incinerator applied for as it's far too big for the location and far too close to the planned new town and Cambridge Research Park. It seems the government has no idea about PM2.5s and it concerns me that Public Health England can't say there is no risk to health.
John, has lived in Waterbeach for 19 years. He is a local Primary School Headteacher. I am really concerned about what this will mean for our air quality, not only from the emissions from the incinerator, but also the high number of vehicles that will be travelling along the A10 transporting rubbish. This will also massively increase the possibility of accidents and reduce safety in Waterbeach and along the main roads.
Pen, fitness professional, grew up in Landbeach and lives in Waterbeach. It is deeply upsetting to hear of plans to build a giant industrial chimney in our beautiful countryside. I am deeply concerned about the emissions, particularly the small toxic particles that aren't filtered out. I spend my days teaching people how to live healthily and breathe properly, so this incinerator goes against everything I believe in.
Vicki, professional artist and mother of 2 boys, lives in Quy, concerned about the impact of the incinerator on local wildlife, particularly the areas of special interest such as Wicken Fen. Also concerned about the emissions and long-term health.
Ed, COO of company in Cambridge and father of 2 boys, lives in Quy, concerned about the effects of the emissions on long-term health and the impact of the increased HGVs on the roads.
Janet, Paediatric Diabetes Research Nurse and formerly Paediatric Intensive Care Nurse, mother and grandmother, lives in Swaffham Bulbeck, concerned about the incinerator because air quality is already a significant issue in the east of England. I care deeply about the already polluted air in Cambridge. I am a cyclist and am already aware of toxic air when I cycle from Swaffham Bulbeck to Addenbrookes on a daily basis.